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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hoe I begin my day and how I ended ..(careful, images which can damage the eye)

Hello me again ...<3

This time I will tell and show you how is my picture in the course of day ..... hahaha   carefully  with the lasts .... !!!

first at the morning ...!

I made an okonomiyaki for the breakfast ..... i don't put the photo because i don't find it but in the next post ill upload it

 then i wash my tooth .... just kidding ok bad joke ¬¬ hahaha

 some random photos before get out of my house

waiting the bus  and gettin' ready with my bestfriend to buy some things to dye my hair in a blue color ... ^^ wahooo  something called atomic turquoise - manic panic

then "stealing " money from the cash and being discovering

posing, they begin to feel like my hair is taking shape irregular and my makeup fades

  in the mirror of the supermarket ^^ .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.


and nowwwwwww at the end of the day ...!!!!! meeeee  with a horrible face and horrible hair
and takecare that I havn't put the worst photos haha

finaly ... the crazy old woman of the corner ..!!!!!

auuoohhhh  i think i shouldn't have to upload this photos , as welll ....... hahahaah 

love  chu chu   get fun .!!!!


  1. Me encanta como se te ven los circle!!! kawaii Kzz!!! ^^ por cierto, me muero por hacer el juego de la sandia piñata en una reunioncilla gyaru con dolly jajaja

  2. WooW KZZ se te ven muy bien los circles!!! ^o^)V estan padrisimos!!

  3. que mona con las lenses!! *o* Sales mu guapa en las fotitos!

  4. Que guapa estás con las circle lenses!Sales muy mona en las fotos~
    Gracias por seguirme, te sigo!

  5. aww tu cabello esta todo lindo ^^ besos ! n.n

  6. Ohh que guay te quedó la entrada ^-^
    Tienes un pelo genial~
    te sigo :D

  7. @jun gacias yo tambien el dia en que vayamos aa playa lo hjaremos
    @leo gracias grcasi
    @nenacho graias
    @suzu gracias
    @liz gracias pero noes tan lindo cuando lo ties que peinar .... :s
    @aya gracias


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