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Thursday, October 6, 2011

New arrivals ~~

 hello hello ...
Long time with out updates ... no?

the answer ... yes , i'm working ... omg  that so fuckin weirdd for mee .. hahhaahaha ok for that i was out of bloggging for a long time .. this is very tired  .. but now i do a fats post  commenting about my new arrivals of pinky paradise

that was the Wonder Eye Brown (Super Nudy Brown) circles lenses and  a diamond lashes  (princes ) and 2 gift that PP sent me

I chose that lenses cause i watched in the blog of  Martha a review about of this lenses that her friend Julia bought, and from that moment i got in love with it  hahahah but i prefered to bought it in brown because the blue lense looked so dark in my natural eye color .~~~~

 and look this pretty "buchiboo" i loved him 

1 comment:

  1. Ayyy qué me gustan esas pestañicas!! *___* lo malo es que son muy puñeteras para ponérselas!! Hay que tener mucha maña!!

    Tengo ganas de ver una fotito tuya con ellas puestas!


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